
Programmer | Game Developer | Engineer | Reverse Engineering Enthusiast

About Me

Hey, I'm Bud. I'm a programmer, game developer, and engineer passionate about creating innovative solutions while having fun. I'm self-taught with extensive experience in reverse engineering using tools like x64dbg, Ghidra, IL2CPP and DNSpy . I've developed mods for Subnautica, Minecraft (Java & Bedrock), and Rust. I enjoy modifying Unity games' C# assemblies to unlock features or tweak gameplay or just in general explore the games creation.

I'm all about good vibes, helping others, and finding wonder in life's simple moments. I strive to stay chill and make the best of every situation.

Current Projects

These are the projects I dont mind putting here, Some people i've worked with previously have been toxic therefore i dont want to be associated with them!

Past Projects

These are the projects that I no longer work on, whether its because i've left or there is no point updating them.


What People Say About Me

If you'd like to be featured here, message me on Discord with your thoughts!

Hire Me or Contact Me

If you're interested in hiring me or just want to reach out, feel free to contact me!

Email: bud3699@gmail.com

Discord: bud3699